How WIFI Extender Booster Impacts Your Internet Speed?
In this internet age, it is important to ensure that you have a strong internet connection around the house. This is rarely the case in any building and to rectify this, a WIFI extender booster is needed to amplify the signal from the source to all sections of the house.
The importance of having access to WIFI cannot be underestimated. Maybe the kids would like to do their homework in their bedroom or stream a movie, or you would like to watch a DIY video from the yard to see the steps to follow to get something fixed and without a strong connection, you’ll end up with lots of disruptions.

With all the metal appliances, building structures, devices and architectural features in a house, it’s no wonder that some areas have a poor connection.
How it works
WIFI extender boosters can boost the signal in areas of the home where the WIFI network is unreliable, slow or non-existent. When this happens, the WIFI signal that’s transmitted by the WIFI router is too weak to provide a strong, solid connection. Ideally, the closer a device is to the router, the stronger the connection.
So, what happens when you’re on the first floor and the WIFI router is on the ground floor? Probably a weak or unreliable connection.
When you use a Wired WIFI Extender, you use the existing cable tv coax to extend the WIFI network into every corner of your home. It carries the network data through the homes ethernet cable directly to where it is required ensuring a strong signal all through the house or building.

How it works
A booster starts working once a connection has been established between the router and your device such as your laptop once the WIFI is turned on. The booster captures the transmission sent by the route and this signal is then amplified and sent to the devices on the network. What determines the speed of this process is the type of router and booster you have. For example, one the most common WIFI reception boosters can support a maximum of 300 Mbps network bandwidth.
For the best deals and offers on a wide range of WIFI extender boosters, visit our website https://www.myamplifiers.com/wifi-booster/